quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2013


Movimento Aparente

      Fixas na noite, as luzes e sinais povoam a escuridão com linhas e manchas movediças. Só o olhar e a Câmara se movem, mas são as luzes que dançam e pintam "Picassos" e "Dalis" na estrada vazia.

Playing With Light - 20:45, Photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - 20:45, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - The Curve of the Road, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - The Curve of the Road, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Ethereal Arch, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Ethereal Arch, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - High Sea, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - High Sea, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - A Walk in the Night, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - A Walk in the Night, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - 21:01, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - 21:01, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Love, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Love, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - It's raining again, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - It's raining again, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Let the Show Begin, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Let the Show Begin, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Tidal Wave, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Tidal Wave, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Chaos & Utopia, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Chaos & Utopia, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Different Colours, the Same World, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Different Colours, the Same World, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Revolution, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Revolution, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Stand Up for your Rights, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Stand Up for your Rights, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Virtual Walls, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Virtual Walls, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Rain of Sparkles, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - Rain of Sparkles, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - The Wave, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Playing With Light - The Wave, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Outros lugares:
Suyarts on Deviantart 

domingo, 27 de janeiro de 2013

The Vertigo Experience

    Ter medo de aviões não significa ter medo de voar. No alto de uma montanha o observador solitário transforma-se num pássaro imaginário, transpõe os cumes nevados, atravessa o manto de nuvens e volta ao ninho com a alma saciada. Os pássaros imaginários nunca caem, nunca perdem as asas. Pousam numa pedra, numa árvore ou à beira do precipício, imóveis, voam sem asas, voam porque é impossível não voar...

I saw freedom passing by..., photography by São Ludovino.

The Golden Seagull, photography by São Ludovino.
The Golden Seagull, photography by São Ludovino.

Walk on by - Perfect Moments, photography by São Ludovino.
Walk on by - Perfect Moments, photography by São Ludovino.


Outros lugares:
Suyarts on Deviantart 


terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2013

A Arca do Aprendiz

Archive of images and texts for personal use
Great companions, sun and shadows, photography by São Ludovino
Great companions, sun and shadows, photography by São Ludovino.
Me, walking along the stream, photography by Luzia, my daughter.
Me, walking along the stream, photography by Luzia, my daughter.
Touching the untouchable, photography by São Ludovino
Touching the untouchable, photography by São Ludovino.
Reflections VII, photography by São Ludovino
Reflections VII, photography by São Ludovino.
One of the infinite points of view... from Here, photography by São Ludovino.
Awakening, photography by São Ludovino.
Concentration... back inside, photography by São Ludovino.
Reflections VI - Me, photography by São Ludovino
Reflections VI - Me, photography by São Ludovino.
Reflections I - Me, photography by São Ludovino
Reflections I - Me, photography by São Ludovino.
Walking on the water - Luzia, my daughter, photography by São Ludovino
Walking on the water - Luzia, my daughter, photography by São Ludovino.
Flying III - Me, photography by Luzia, my daughter
Flying III - Me, photography by Luzia, my daughter.
Flying II - Me, photography by Luzia, my daughter
Flying II - Me, photography by Luzia, my daughter.
Flying I - Me, photography by Luzia, my daughter
Flying I - Me, photography by Luzia, my daughter.
On this side of light, photography by São Ludovino
On this side of light, photography by São Ludovino.
Asleep... but still dreaming - Photography by São Ludovino
Asleep... but still dreaming - Photography by São Ludovino.
I can see... only you... and yet I see beyond - Me, photography by Luzia, my daughter.
My dreams landed... for instants, photography by São Ludovino.
Unconsciously existing, photography by São Ludovino.
Freedom - Me, photography by Luzia, my daughter, 15-8-2011.
The Gift of Making Time Stop - Me, photography by Luzia, my daughter, 15-8-2011.
See You Always - Me, photography by Luzia, my daughter, 22-8-2009.

Luminescence, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
The Nest of the Sun, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Chiaroscuro, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.
Pyramid I, photography by Suy-São Ludovino, 2011.
Pyramid I, photography by Suy / São Ludovino, 2011.
Pyramid II, photography by Suy-São Ludovino, 2011.
Pyramid II, photography by Suy / São Ludovino, 2011.
Can you find the Moon I?, photography by Suy-São Ludovino, 2011.
Can you find the Moon I?, photography by Suy / São Ludovino, 2011.

Can you find the Moon II?, photography by Suy / São Ludovino, 2011.

The Herd, photography by Suy / São Ludovino.

Without Words..., photography by Suy / São Ludovino.


Não sei ser triste a valer

Não sei ser triste a valer
Nem ser alegre deveras.
Acreditem: não sei ser.
Serão as almas sinceras
Assim também, sem saber?
Ah, ante a ficção da alma
E a mentira da emoção,
Com que prazer me dá calma
Ver uma flor sem razão
Florir sem ter coração!
Mas enfim não há diferença.
Se a flor flore sem querer,
Sem querer a gente pensa.
O que nela é florescer
Em nós é ter consciência.
Depois, a nós como a ela,
Quando o Fado a faz passar,
Surgem as patas dos deuses
E a ambos nos vêm calcar.
Está bem, enquanto não vêm
Vamos florir ou pensar.

(Nota prévia de Jorge Nemésio.) Lisboa: Ática, 1955 (imp. 1990). - 41.

IX - Sou um guardador de rebanhos.

Sou um guardador de rebanhos.
O rebanho é os meus pensamentos
E os meus pensamentos são todos sensações.
Penso com os olhos e com os ouvidos
E com as mãos e os pés
E com o nariz e a boca.
Pensar uma flor é vê-la e cheirá-la
E comer um fruto é saber-lhe o sentido.

Por isso quando num dia de calor
Me sinto triste de gozá-lo tanto,
E me deito ao comprido na erva,
E fecho os olhos quentes,
Sinto todo o meu corpo deitado na realidade,
Sei a verdade e sou feliz.


“O Guardador de Rebanhos”. In Poemas de Alberto Caeiro. Fernando Pessoa. (Nota explicativa e notas de João Gaspar Simões e Luiz de Montalvor.) Lisboa: Ática, 1946 (10ª ed. 1993).
- 39. “O Guardador de Rebanhos”. 1ª publ. in Athena, nº 4. Lisboa: Jan. 1925.

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