(The invention of writing)
Pliny sat at the edge of the creek and listened to the reeds carefully. They leaned and curled and whispered and Pliny listened. He was there to listen. Sometimes the reeds sang. Pliny looked at the birds and wondered. Why do the reeds sing?
One day, Pliny decided to speak with the Talking Reeds. He asked them gently to let him take them away with him. "We do not want to live in a small jar," they replied in unison.
"You shall not live in a jar," Pliny reassured them. "You will be travelers along this stream, through all the streams, until you reach the sea. After you have circled the World, you will return and I’m sure you will have many stories to tell and sing "explained Pliny.
"Very well, then! But we do not want to go alone. We want a compass or a star to guide us, "they said.
"I understand. I’m not a compass or a star, but I will go with you and return. "
Pliny reaped a thousand reeds, and there were still many thousands. He entwined them in a mysterious way, not knowing what was guiding his fingers more agile than ever, forming new patterns that moved. They danced like reeds used to dance in the water. He didn’t know why but the patterns also spoke and sang. Though they were uprooted from the brook bed, the reeds were still alive, he thought.
After he finished the task, he looked and felt happy with his work. Now the reeds were a boat. He entered in it and left with the reeds. They walked and sailed everywhere, by streams, rivers and seas, by valleys, mountains and skies. And as they slid, Pliny saw the reeds covering themselves with new patterns that were renewed every moment.
Not knowing what to call them, he decided to call them "letters." It was just a word that a cloud had whispered to him and he had heard echoed over and over in the birds' voice.
Without knowing how, the letters entered his soul and began to order themselves spontaneously. And all around the boat spoke and sang. The cloud passed by again and told him that now he could remember everything and create everything he wanted.
Pliny asked the cloud how he could do it. The cloud descended close to the boat and said, "Now that you know how to give a body to words, you can write in me everything you see inside you. Then I'll go everywhere and I’ll rain all over. I'll feed the creek and the Talking Reeds again. And everything around will understand every drop of me because everyone will speak the same language, even if words and chants are all different. "
Pliny understood and covered the cloud with millions of words that continue to rain all around.
São Ludovino, 5/12/2018
Originally written in Portuguese as it follows.
(A invenção da escrita)
Plínio sentava-se à beira do riacho e ouvia os juncos com atenção. Eles inclinavam-se e ondulavam e sussurravam e Plínio ouvia. Estava ali para ouvir. Às vezes os juncos cantavam. Plínio olhava as aves e interrogava-se. Porque cantam os juncos?
Certo dia, Plínio decidiu falar com os Juncos Falantes. Pediu-lhes delicadamente que o deixassem levá-los consigo. “Não queremos viver numa pequena jarra” responderam em uníssono.
“Não vivereis numa jarra” tranquilizou-os Plínio. “Sereis viajantes ao longo deste riacho, por todos os riachos, até que chegareis ao mar. Depois de circundardes o Mundo, voltareis e estou certo de que tereis muitas histórias para contar e cantar” explicou Plínio.
“Muito bem! Mas não queremos ir sós. Queremos uma bússola ou uma estrela para nos guiar” disseram.
“Compreendo. Não sou uma bússola ou uma estrela, mas irei convosco e voltarei”.
Plínio colheu mil juncos e ainda ficaram muitos milhares. Entrançou-os de uma forma misteriosa, sem entender ao certo o que movia os seus dedos mais ágeis do que nunca, formando padrões novos que se moviam. Dançavam como os juncos costumavam dançar na água. Não sabia porquê mas os padrões também falavam e cantavam. Embora arrancados do leito do riacho os juncos continuavam vivos, pensou.
Acabado o trabalho, olhou e sentiu-se feliz com a sua obra. Agora os juncos eram um barco. Entrou nele e partiu com os juncos. Andaram por todo o lado, por riachos, rios e mares, por vales, montanhas e céus. E enquanto deslizavam, Plínio via os juncos cobrirem-se de novos padrões que se renovavam a cada instante.
Sem saber como chamar-lhes, decidiu chamar-lhes “letras”. Era apenas uma palavra que uma nuvem lhe tinha sussurrado e tinha ouvido ecoar vezes sem conta na voz das aves.
Sem saber como, as letras entraram dentro da sua alma e começaram a ordenar-se de forma espontânea. E em redor todo o barco falava e cantava. A nuvem passou de novo e disse-lhe que agora podia lembrar tudo e criar tudo o que quisesse.
Plínio perguntou à nuvem como podia fazê-lo. A nuvem baixou rente ao barco e disse: “Agora que sabes dar corpo às palavras, podes escrever em mim tudo o que vês dentro de ti. Depois, eu hei-de ir por aí e hei-de chover por toda a parte. Voltarei a alimentar o riacho e os Juncos Falantes. E tudo em redor entenderá cada gota de mim porque todos falarão a mesma linguagem, mesmo que as palavras e os cantos sejam todos diferentes.”
Plínio entendeu e cobriu a nuvem de milhões de palavras que continuam a chover por aí.
São Ludovino, 5/12/2018
Eternal Bird, drawing by São Ludovino.
Joining the souls, drawing by São Ludovino.
Guardian, drawing by São Ludovino.
Mingling Light, drawing by São Ludovino.
The Spirit of Matter - Being the Light, drawing by São Ludovino.
The Spirit of Matter - Water of Life, drawing by São Ludovino.
The Spirit of Matter - Natural Soul, drawing by São Ludovino.
The Spirit of Matter - Flora and the Wind, drawing by São Ludovino.
The Path of Light, drawing by São Ludovino.
Fishbird II, drawing by São Ludovino.
Rebirth, drawing by São Ludovino.
Moontree, drawing by São Ludovino.
Ocean links, drawing by São Ludovino.
The Spirit of Matter - Fusion, drawing by São Ludovino.
Ocean Eyes, drawing by São Ludovino.
Sad Rainbowflower, drawing by São Ludovino.
Sad Rainbowflower - detail, drawing by São Ludovino.
Natural biochemistry II, drawing by São Ludovino.
Tiny Whole, drawing by São Ludovino.
The Spirit of Matter - Carrying the Elements, drawing by São Ludovino.
Joining the souls, drawing by São Ludovino.
Guardian, drawing by São Ludovino.
Mingling Light, drawing by São Ludovino.
The Spirit of Matter - Being the Light, drawing by São Ludovino.
The Spirit of Matter - Water of Life, drawing by São Ludovino.
The Spirit of Matter - Natural Soul, drawing by São Ludovino.
The Spirit of Matter - Flora and the Wind, drawing by São Ludovino.
The Path of Light, drawing by São Ludovino.
Fishbird II, drawing by São Ludovino.
Rebirth, drawing by São Ludovino.
Moontree, drawing by São Ludovino.
Ocean links, drawing by São Ludovino.
The Spirit of Matter - Fusion, drawing by São Ludovino.
Ocean Eyes, drawing by São Ludovino.
Sad Rainbowflower, drawing by São Ludovino.
Sad Rainbowflower - detail, drawing by São Ludovino.
Natural biochemistry II, drawing by São Ludovino.
Tiny Whole, drawing by São Ludovino.
The Spirit of Matter - Carrying the Elements, drawing by São Ludovino.
The Spirit of Matter - Itself, drawing by São Ludovino.
Colourful Mist, drawing by São Ludovino.
Walking on the Water, drawing by São Ludovino.
Tree of Dreams in a Sunny Day, drawing by São Ludovino.